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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl elit viverra sollicitudin phasellus eros, vitae a mollis. Congue sociis amet, fermentum lacinia sed, orci auctor in vitae amet enim. Ridiculus nullam proin vehicula nulla euismod id. Ac est facilisis eget, ligula lacinia, vitae sed lorem nunc. Orci at nulla risus ullamcorper arcu. Nunc integer ornare massa diam sollicitudin.

Another Tit-Bit...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl elit viverra sollicitudin phasellus eros, vitae a mollis. Congue sociis amet, fermentum lacinia sed, orci auctor in vitae amet enim. Ridiculus nullam proin vehicula nulla euismod id. Ac est facilisis eget, ligula lacinia, vitae sed lorem nunc.

Shifting to Thrifting

When the economy isn't at its best and jobs aren't easy to find, how does one go shopping and still be fashionable? The first thing that came to my mind was: thrifting! Although I don't go thrifting that much (I really just don't go shopping), I find thrift stores awfully cheap with some items that you could never find at a regular store. Plus you can find some designer items that are worth so much more than the price at thrift stores.

But what about all those other people that resent going to thrift stores? They always tell me, "Someone else has worn that," or "It's not new." Yes, someone else has probably worn the clothes sold at thrift stores, but what's so wrong with that? Or some find thrifting part of the lower class and hate the idea of bargain shopping.

I really wouldn't feel the pressure of going into a thrift store and I don't look over my shoulder to see if someone's watching. Nor do I feel guilty about buying something that I know I could have bought at full price. All I can say is that as long as the clothes are fashionable I don't mind going thrifting for it. Some of the most stylish people thrift, so why not? And this is for all those people that think they need to spend lots of money to look good: You really can't buy style!

Different Makes Me Beautiful

Many Asian women undergo double
eyelid surgery to change the look of
their eyes

Being an Asian girl, growing up with mostly Caucasian kids had its good times and bad. I still remember being called 'flat face' or 'Chinese eyes' and it really hurt when I was little. Now I can just laugh about it all, but inside I can still feel that pain that I had before. But does that drive me to go to far lengths to feel fit in? Of course not; I have matured and I actually love my differences and the way I look. But I can understand why many Asians and other women of ethnic groups choose to alter their looks and go under surgery so they can feel better about themselves.

For instance, double eyelid surgery is a common surgery that many Asian women go through. Most Asians are born with a very small crease in their eyelid or nothing at all. Nowadays, many Asian women are led to think that the Caucasian look, including the eyes, are much more attractive which cause many to undergo changes. It's quite common in Japan for women to use special glue to lift their eyelids up to make them look more Western. Even magazines recommend girls to consider surgery to look better.

I understand where a lot of these girls are coming from when they say they want to look better, but I feel that there's really no need to change their physical appearance. These girls seem to be very weak towards criticism and the media, making them feel like they are not as pretty as another girl. The media does tend to pressure women into thinking that beauty is one or the other, but I think we should all understand that there's really no specific standard to being beautiful. I think it's time for women to become stronger and say to themselves, "I am beautiful, even if I don't look like the woman next to me."

Asians and other races have different
attributes, but I still consider them
beautiful the way they are.

Just to keep things straight, I want to say that I have no problem with surgery, I have nothing against people that do it, and I'm not saying that you shouldn't do it either. However, I think that all women of different races should be proud of their differences and embrace their beauty. Let's face it, every one's different - even celebrities look different, meaning everyone has a different part of them that makes them attractive. Besides, surgery often means lots of pain and money, and some cases don't even work out like you expected. I think women with different facial looks are absolutely gorgeous and they have a special beauty that no other can have. Why not treasure it?

How high will you go ??

Orlando Pita, a famous hairdresser, is
known for his $800 haircuts that he
charges in his salon located in New York.

$200. $500. $800. These are all big dollars, but for what exactly? A dress? How about a pair of shoes? Oh wait, maybe a great bag! No. What I'm talking about is the price of a haircut.

The other day I went to a nearby salon for a cut, and I have to admit I'm frugal at times so the bill didn't even go to $20. (Yes, I know, I'm a cheapo!) Anyway, while researching about haircuts, I find out that the average price of one in America is $21. The most expensive cut I have ever gotten was about $80. And to me anything over $100 is pretty pricey which makes me wonder, what makes a person want to spend over hundreds of dollars on a haircut? Better yet, what pushes a salon to charge such expensive cuts?

Stylists battle about prices all the time, some low, some high. One of the fashion industry's most famous hairdressers, Orlando Pita, opened a salon in New York with haircuts for $800. He sticks by his price and explains, "My clients really care about their hair. Maybe they don't pay that kind of money for a pair of shoes or a bag. It's all relative to what we think is important." However, other stylists argue that anything over $500 is outrageous.

In my opinion, those that charge a lot are marketing their name and status which makes prices go up, but really the quality of the cut doesn't change that much when you are comparing expensive ones. As a client, I think you just take pride in who you got your hair cut by and how much you spent on it, which boosts your liking toward your cut. So if you have the money, why not? Many women spend hundreds on shoes that they only wear a few times, so what's the harm in getting a $600 haircut that will last you months?

I think each person has their own standards, so I feel that there's nothing wrong with sticking under $100 (like me) and I don't find an $800 haircut too outrageous either. As long as you feel comfortable in paying the price, I don't think there's anything bad about it, and hey, maybe one day I'll try Orlando Pita's cut out to see if it's really that great. (Well, I'm sure it'll be much much better than the one I got the other day!)

Back To School

It's that time again when students are getting ready for school and some even already in classes. The fun part of starting school is that we can use back-to-school shopping as an excuse to buy some new cute clothes.

On a personal note, I'm starting college today (yay!) and it's been a long time since I've actually been in school. I didn't go to a high school so I was basically home schooled and studying by myself, so I'm nervous, yet very excited, about going to school and second about starting college. So being nervous and all, wouldn't it be normal for a girl to be worried about what to wear on the first day?

The girls on Gossip Girl may have
uniforms, but they're anything but
boring. With their cute accessories,
each girl shows her own style. How
I wish more schools had a dress code
like this!
When I think of school fashion, especially high school fashion, I picture tons of t-shirts matched with jeans and flip flops. This is a school trend that I don't want to go with anymore, no no. That is so over for me! That's why school uniforms and dress codes (if they are nice) can be good because everybody is forced to look presentable. Like in Gossip Girl, although they have a school uniform, each girl interprets her own style through accessories and the way they dress, so really no one looks the same and it's not boring.

I may not be the most fashionable person and my goal isn't to compete with other girls, but I definitely want to stay as chic as I possibly can be in college. I remember in middle school and high school it was so hard to dress nice and there was a lot of peer pressure that made it even harder, but not anymore. I won't let that make me dress like someone I'm not.

So... what should I wear today?

The End of Fashion

Did you know that back then there was a big rivalry between Ralph Lauren and and Tommy Hilfiger or that Isaac Mizrahi wasn't as successful with his lines as we thought? I didn't until I read Teri Agins book, The End of Fashion.

Agins covers many aspects of fashion that we normally don't hear about and the history and business side of fashion. The End of Fashion covers the fall of fashion in Paris when people stopped dressing up or have their life surrounded in fashion to why Zoran was one of the more successful designers in his time. It's one of the most interesting fashion/business books I have read recently. And you know how business books can get boring, but combined with fashion and the skills of Teri Agins great writing, the book is anything but uninteresting.

One of the great parts of this book is how she explains how clothes are marketed; some of the clothes you might see on the discount rack were actually made to be discount clothes, the department stores were just waiting for sales to stop on the "regular" price. Another interesting fact is that although we might think designer fabric and the materials they use are top quality, sometimes cotton shirts sold at Kmart or other stores are actually more durable. Crazy, don't you think?

Many of you might know that fashion shows are quite expensive or that many haute couture lines don't profit, but there are tons of hidden secrets that we don't know of the fashion industry that are revealed in this book. I recommend you to read this book, before I tell you all the incredible things I have learned from it! Especially if you are an aspiring fashion designer or looking into a future in fashion marketing. And it's even a fun read to anybody that loves fashion!

I think it's out.

Have I gone crazy? Me not liking Project Runway?! What?! But I have to agree with Christian Siriano, the contestants and the show this season just stink! (I know, I know, I shouldn't say that...)

Is it just me to think that Project Runway Season 5 has fallen flat compared to all the other seasons? I remember writing about this season and marking my calendars, but it's just been a big disappointment to me. There's something about this season that I think it's lacking or maybe I'm just tired of it all, meaning I might just be tired of real tv.

There's a couple of reasons why the show doesn't amuse me so much, one being the challenges! They've been done before by previous seasons or just aren't that exciting. For instance, the first challenge at Gristedes. At first I thought, "Oh this might be fun to watch, but in the end the first season's version of it turned out to be better. And I actually fell asleep in the last episode where they took on drag queens. So new to Project Runway, but I still didn't find it interesting enough.

Another part of the show that bores me are the contestants! You know how all the seasons have funny people with lively characters? Or there's times when you just laugh when you think about hilarious moments from the show, but this season I don't think there are any memorable moments yet.

Maybe it's me just venting out on a Saturday morning, but I seriously think Project Runway needs to step up its game or else they're going to lose one viewer, or maybe more.

Campus Fashion

Starting school can be hectic, but the whole ride is so much fun. The new people you meet, the good and bad professors that love assigning work, the panic that you get when you think there's going to be a quiz - it's all good.

The University I am going to requires lots of walking from building to building and you know what that means: no heels for me. Seriously, I thought I could manage them, but there is no way! I'll probably be sticking to flats for the next 4 years (well, you never know how long I'll take.)

When I take a look around me, it looks like a big melting pot of fashions that I like, dislike, don't understand, some I find humorous, some I'm jealous of. It's everything. Looking at campus fashion is fun, but something I didn't seem to notice before coming to college was how the guys dressed. It's not high school anymore; no more parents to watch you like a hound dog, not as many rules, it's all about freedom now. So it's amusing to see how guys dress or do they even care? Let's take a look:

You gotta love the nerds, they're smart and they don't dress that bad either. And I love the athletes with their casual sportswear

The Business Major, the type that cares about looking good or "business man" like. And Mr. Laid Back in his casual clothes.